Discomfort in any part of the spine restricts mobility, reduces performance and significantly impairs quality of life. Back pain can have various causes, not always associated with bone and joint structures. To determine the factors causing the problem, you will need to see a doctor.
Types of back pain
There are two ways this syndrome occurs. In the first case, back pain is caused by pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It includes bone, joint and muscle tissues, ligaments and tendons. The second probable reason why there is intense right or left back pain is internal organ injuries. Inflammatory processes are often accompanied by compression of the nerve roots, which provokes the problem under consideration.
Back pain with diseases of the spine
An obvious factor causing discomfort is damage to the musculoskeletal system. If the back hurts between the shoulder blades, in the neck or lower back, it is important to pay attention to the intensity, duration and nature of the symptom.
In diseases of the spine, muscles, joints and nearby ligaments, pain has the following characteristics:
- Forte: Discomfort is difficult to tolerate without analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. The sensations are very pronounced, limit mobility and flexibility.
- Paroxysmal- occurs in a certain position of the body or during certain movements. It is extremely rare for the back to constantly hurt.
- Sharp- sharp, stabbing, shooting. The sensations are similar to sudden mechanical damage.
Back pain with diseases of internal organs
Swelling, inflammation, suppuration cause an increase in the volume of soft tissues. This leads to compression of the nerve roots and endings located nearby, which causes pain under the left or right shoulder blade, in the neck, lower back or tailbone. The presented symptom is less pronounced, compared with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Even if the whole back hurts, the discomfort is tolerable. They are long lasting, sometimes permanent.
Pain can be specific to this:
- in pain;
- pull;
- by pressing;
- is stupid.
Why does your back hurt?

After dealing with the characteristics and severity of the indicated stretch, it is important to determine its location. It must be understood that the exact causes of back pain cannot be determined on their own. A thorough medical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies will be required for a correct diagnosis. Pain under the right shoulder blade, for example, can cause both osteochondrosis and damage to the lungs on this side of the body. Due to the multifactorial nature of the problem described, it is dangerous to self-medicate.
Back pain above the shoulder blades
Discomfort, stiffness and poor mobility in the shoulder girdle and neck area are characteristic of osteochondrosis. Back pain can be felt on the left or right, depending on the location of the strangled nerve root.
In addition to osteochondrosis, a pathological symptom occurs for the following reasons:
- elongation;
- muscle overload;
- osteoarthritis;
- fibromyalgia;
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- spinal stenosis;
- myofascial syndrome;
- rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis;
- polymyalgia;
- intervertebral hernia;
- neck injuries;
- osteomyelitis;
- tuberculosis;
- acute thyroiditis;
- neoplasms of any quality, their metastases;
- mechanical damage to the spine;
- diseases of internal organs (kidneys, brain, heart, intestines, esophagus and others);
- lymphadenitis;
- shingles;
- meningitis.
The back hurts the shoulder blades
The central part of the spine is the most common localization of the sensations of sewing, pulling, cutting. In this case, it is important to clarify the side where the discomfort is felt.
Pain under the right shoulder blade from the back to the back can occur for the following reasons:
- biliary hepatic colic;
- subphrenic abscess;
- disorders of renal function;
- cholecystitis;
- tuberculosis.
If the back hurts in the region of the left shoulder blade, the following pathologies are suspected:
- psychological problems;
- ulcerative gastritis;
- diseases of the esophagus;
- myocardial infarction;
- inflammation of the pancreas;
- renal colic.
Back pain in the central area of the shoulder blades often indicates disorders of the musculoskeletal system:
- herniated disc;
- osteochondrosis;
- scapula injury;
- curvature of the spine;
- spondyloarthrosis;
- intercostal neuralgia;
- pterygoid scapula;
- protrusion of the disc;
- muscle spasm;
- humero-scapular polyarthrosis;
- tumor, osteomyelitis of the scapula.

Less often it hurts in the middle of the back with pathologies of the internal organs:
- hepatitis;
- respiratory diseases of the lungs;
- cholecystitis;
- biliary dyskinesia;
- duodenal ulcer;
- ischemic heart disease;
- angina pectoris.
Back pain in the lumbar region
The presented part of the spine has a maximum load, so it is easy to damage it. Severe back pain occurs mainly after strenuous exercise or physical exertion. It gradually disappears in the resting process by itself.
Back pain in the lumbar region can have the following causes:
- ruptures and deformations of the intervertebral discs;
- fracture of one or more vertebrae;
- inflammation of the joint capsules;
- osteochondrosis;
- fibrositis;
- rupture of vertebral ligaments;
- compression of nerve endings;
- osteoporosis;
- sacral radiculitis;
- scoliosis;
- lordosis;
- arthritis and osteoarthritis;
- spinal tumors;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- intestinal and renal pathology;
- Reiter's Syndrome;
- epidural abscess;
- brucellosis of the intervertebral disc;
- beginning of the menstrual cycle;
- pancreatitis;
- urolithiasis;
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis and others.
Pain in the lower back below the waist
Discomfort in the coccyx area rarely occurs in isolation, it is combined with unpleasant sensations in the adjacent parts of the spine.
Pain under the lower back occurs for the following reasons:
- coccyx fracture;
- scoliosis;
- sprain of ligaments, muscles;
- arthrosis;
- protrusion;
- hernia;
- lordosis;
- osteochondrosis;
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- radiculitis;
- intestinal obstruction;
- inflammation of the appendix;
- renal pathology;
- chronic constipation;
- gastritis;
- pyelonephritis;
- hepatitis;
- cystitis;
- pregnancy;
- menstruation;
- climax;
- urolithiasis;
- ovarian cyst;
- uterine fibroids;
- inflammation of the appendages;
- endometriosis and others.
What to do if your back hurts?
First of all, it is important to understand that it will not be possible to independently determine the true cause of the discomfort. Diagnosis and treatment of back pain is the prerogative of a qualified specialist. Before consulting your doctor, you can relieve discomfort with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics. Comprehensive therapy is performed by an experienced doctor.
Which doctor should I go to if my back hurts?

The first specialist recommended by the reception is a therapist. He will be able to guess why his back hurts and refer him to a specialist doctor. Depending on the reasons, doctors from the departments of the musculoskeletal system or internal organs are involved in therapy.
The following specialists treat severe back pain:
- vertebrologist;
- neuropathologist (neurologist);
- urologist;
- nephrologist;
- podiatrist;
- gynecologist;
- endocrinologist;
- cardiologist;
- gastroenterologist.
Ointment for back pain
Topical medications do not eliminate triggers, but they temporarily relieve discomfort and help endure effective treatment.
When the back muscles ache, it is better to use local irritating drugs with a warming effect.
For injuries of bones, joints and ligaments, an anti-inflammatory ointment is recommended for pain in the lower back, back or neck.
Injections for back and lumbar pain
A pronounced symptom interferes with normal life activity and basic self-service in everyday life. To relieve intense or intolerable sensations, you will need an intramuscular analgesic for back pain. Non-steroidal analgesics relieve inflammation and block the sensitivity of nerve receptors, so they quickly bring relief.
Exercises for back pain
Active physical activity in the acute period of any pathology is strictly prohibited. Pain under the shoulder blade caused by heart ailments can not only get worse due to gymnastics, but also be complicated by a heart attack. It is important to coordinate activities with your doctor or perform them during the recovery period.
Exercises for the upper back and neck (repetitions 3-5 times):
- Back pressure.Close your hands behind your head in a "lock". Press them, trying to lower your head forward. Withstand neck muscles with a delay of 5-7 seconds.
- Press forward.Place your palms on your forehead. Press them, trying to throw your head back. Hold on with your neck, lingering for 5-7 seconds.
- Lateral pressure.Press alternately on the head with the left and right palms. Resist by straining the neck, similar to the previous points.
- Circular movements.Lower your chin to your chest. Slowly rotate your head from left to right and back, as if you are massaging your collarbones.
- Turns.Look in one direction, then the other, pausing in each position for 5 seconds.
Exercises if the back hurts in the shoulder blade area (repetitions 5-10 times):
- Press.Lying on your back, close your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees. Breathe deeply. As you exhale, simultaneously stretch your elbows and knees up to your stomach so that they touch.
- Climber walking.Standing on all fours, move around the room according to the "left hand, right leg" principle. Continue for 10-20 minutes.
- Glute bridge.Lying on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along your body. Lift your hips up and down.
- Stretch.Stand with your legs wider than your shoulders. Without bending your back, stretch your chest alternately on the right and left knees.
- Fold.In the position of the previous point, lower your head as far as possible with your back straight.
Exercise for low back pain (10-15 repetitions):
- Embryo.Lie down, bend your knees. Bring them with your hands to your chest, linger for 10 seconds.
- Cat.Standing on all fours with your hands on the floor, bend your back down.
- Camel.Bend your spine into a similar position.
- Rotation.Starting position - as in the first exercise. Rotate your pelvis and legs left and right without lifting your lower back off the floor.
- Hunting dog.Get on all fours. Extend your right arm forward and straighten your left leg, hold the position for 5 seconds. Repeat for the other side.