Osteoarthritis is degenerative change of the articular cartilage is not the inflammatory nature. This process occurs in most cases as a result of the natural ageing of the body.
According to the statistics, osteoarthritis is quite common of the disease, because they suffer from various estimates, from 10% to 15% of the population of different countries.

This disease is characteristic of the age of 45 years and older. Well as, have a place of exception, where osteoarthritis is seen in less than a age group of people, as the consequence of a trauma, serious illnesses, diseases, more characteristic of the athletes.
Generally, arthritic pain of the patients notice in the state charges, but costs them to sit or lie in a comfortable position for the limb system, as the manifestations of the pain disappears. As the disease intensifies characteristic creaking of the joints, decreases the amplitude habitual movements of the joints, there is a deformation joint of components.
Osteoarthritis – what it is?
Why is osteoarthritis, and what it is? The disease develops as a result of the violation of metabolism in the joint, which in turn leads to the fact that the cartilages begin to lose its elasticity. This may contribute to full or partial loss of the composition of the proteoglycans of the cartilage, this problem usually occurs due to fairly deep cracks in the cartilage.
- Osteoarthritis primary begins without reason and knocks unchanged in articular cartilage simultaneously in several joints; the most commonly observed in people over 40 years of age. Primary osteoarthritis is also a consequence of the breach of relations in the cartilaginous tissue of the process of synthesis and degeneration, and is accompanied by a disorder of the function of the chondrocytes. In the cartilage in the arthritic changes are dominated by the process of destruction.
- The main causes of secondary osteoarthritis are significant changes in metabolic processes: blood circulation, a saline solution of the exchange and the flow of the lymph, hormonal disorders in the learning necessary to the articulation of substances. The hormonal changes, leading to osteoarthritis, common in older women, and older and, when it comes to the regular changes in hormone levels.
In the risk group may be assigned to persons:
- with excess weight;
- with hereditary disorders;
- older;
- with professions;
- with metabolic disturbances in the body;
- with micronutrient deficiencies;
- having suffered a trauma of the spine;
- set in a little sport.
The ruse of osteoarthritis lies in the fact that the pathological changes in the cartilage of the affected joint for a long time does not manifest any of the symptoms of the pain and the difficulty of the economic movements visible only at this time, when the destruction reaches the periosteum, which is located under the cartilage.
Oa 1, 2 and 3 degrees
There are three degrees of osteoarthritis of the joints:
- 1 the degree of the disease occurs almost without tangible symptoms. Only it can sometimes be painful when driving or other types of physical activity. Already in the first phase of osteoarthritis is produce pathological changes in the synovial fluid of the joint, with the weakening muscular apparatus, but does not undergo variations.
- 2 the degree of osteoarthritis is marked by the beginning of the destruction of the joint, appear the first osteophytes. The pain is bearable, but pronounced. Clearly audible cracking in the joints affected. Cases of violation of the functions of the spirit of the violation reflex neurotrophic regulation.
- 3 the degree of osteoarthritis, the articular cartilage of the thinning, there are large pockets of destruction. There was a strong deformation of the joint of the land with the change of the axis of the branch. Because of the relationship between the anatomical structures of the joint and extensive pathological changes in the connective tissues and ligaments economic insolvent and shortened, in consequence of which develops pathological mobility of the joint, combined with the limitation of natural movement. Experience contractures and subluxations. Peri-articular muscles have been stretched or decrease, the ability to reduce weakened. The power of the joint and surrounding tissues is violated.
The course of the disease is characterized by stages of exacerbation and periods of remission. This makes it difficult to self-diagnose osteoarthritis, relying solely on its own experience. Therefore, you must contact us stating the diagnosis of a doctor.

The signs
Osteoarthritis some of the first signs of the, on the basis of his classification, but he is the summary of the list:
- The syndrome of the pain that intensifies in the damp weather and by low temperatures;
- The joint increases in size due to deformity and osteophytes;
- The temperature of the skin around the diseased joint increases. We can observe an overall increase in the temperature.
- The joint begins to swell, there is a swelling and sealing;
- When the voltage and the function of the joint is heard and perceived crunching or grinding of the friction of the formations.
In later stages the pain can also occur in a state of calm due to the flow of blood and improve intraosseux pressure.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis refers to the category of chronic diseases. Sometimes, the disease can discreetly flight of years, only occasionally recalling the pain when the load on the joint or uncomfortable movement.
But it also happens that the disease develops rapidly to a severe stage of only a few months. In all cases, it is important to remember, if you do not treat osteoarthritis, its symptoms with the time, to increase, worsening the quality of life, and in severe cases, lead to disability and immobility.
Therefore, with osteoarthritis, the main symptoms are the following:
- Pain pressive in the joint. It manifests itself particularly when a different kind of load on the diseased joint, while walking up the stairs.
- Soreness and cracking of the joint. Muscle soreness occurs when the cold. The crunch at first is not strong, but the absence of treatment, with time, it will be to hear and others.
- The emergence of the pockets. This symptom is characteristic of a joint disease, arthritis. But with osteoarthritis occurs a swelling in only acute exacerbations and is not accompanied by acute pain and deaf. It is very sensitive and gives a lot of disadvantages.
Sometimes, the pain in the evening can increase. Sometimes, the pain in the joint is very active, the manifestation of his depends on the load. In his youth, the oa can get the development of the great of the physical load or after a trauma.
The diagnosis of osteoarthritis
The diagnosis is based primarily on the definition of such predisposing factors, such as the appearance of the pain and discomfort in the movements of the joints. In the case described above, the signs of the disease, it is possible to arrange x-ray, radionuclides and morphological study.
All searches are performed only in clinics, and the findings need to give that trained specialists. On our site you can always ask questions about symptoms, treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis in the comments below.
Prevention activities for the prevention of osteoarthritis are accessible to all. They include a moderate physical activity (it should not cause pain in the joints), a balanced diet and the daily consumption of all the trace elements and vitamins.
Often, the fact of getting rid of the oa prevents the excess weight, so should be very attentive to your diet and in case you need to follow a diet.
Thus, you have to remember that osteoarthritis refers to the category of chronic diseases. In other words, the main criterion for treatment effectiveness — the achievement of continuous remission and the improvement of the condition of the patient.

The treatment of osteoarthritis
During the nine diagnosed with the arthritis treatment at this stage is an urgent matter. And although the number of medications used in arthritis, in constant increase, they are only symptomatic of the action. And until none of the drugs has not become the panacea in the treatment of joints.
The plan and the methods of treatment depends on the stage and the symptoms of osteoarthritis, often the cause relieve the pain, as well as the second and third phases of the disease, they can be very painful. It is also possible to anti-inflammatory therapy during the session of the inflammation of the joint.
The basic scheme of drug treatment of osteoarthritis involves the use of:
- NSAIDS to reduce the pain and the elimination of the inflammatory process.
- The medicines of the group to chondroprotectors, which include active ingredients as the glucosamine and chondroitin.
- In the severe forms of the disease may require intra-articular injection of corticosteroid drugs. These medications quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and control the mobility of the affected joint.
- After elimination of the inflammatory process may require an intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid that acts as a lubricant and prevents the process from the friction of the joints, eliminates the pain, improves mobility and stimulates own production of hyaluronate.
Return the affected joint osteoarthritis in a large measure, can be only with the help of a surgical replacement of a joint, without the rapid intervention of the do is still impossible.
The quick response
In advanced stages of osteoarthritis of the knee drugs may already be is not effective, and then it is necessary to take a decision on the adjustment methods.
There are several types of surgery:
- The arthroplasty. The replacement of the articular cartilage, artificial joint. After the operation is significantly reduces pain and increases mobility.
- Arthroscopy. Does not require a long period of convalescence, well-suited for patients of all ages. Need it, to prevent the destruction of the joint. During an operation removes inflamed – this happens using the fine probe and tools.
- The prosthesis. The replacement of all the components of the artificial joint forpercent. The key, widely available modern artificial limbs are made from metal, which is not rejected by the body. These grafts are used on average for about ten years. After such procedure, patients can lead a full life.
At home by a physician, the patient may apply distracting the means in the form of ointments, rastirok, gels, infusions of herbs. Good results give the physiotherapy, acupuncture, girudoterapiya (treatment by), as well as a spa treatment in the phase of remission (reduction of disease) with natural mud and mineral baths.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis
The sine qua non in the treatment of osteoarthritis is the use of different types of exercises to avoid muscle atrophy and lax ligaments.
Exercises for the treatment of osteoarthritis individually for each patient by the treating physician and the specialist in physical therapy. Exercises begin only after the withdrawal of the aggravation, but not later than 5 to 6 days after the removal of the pain.
The task of the exercise, for the treatment of osteoarthritis is the recovery of mobility of the joint, the aerobic workout, improving the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
How to treat arthritis folk remedies?
With osteoarthritis of the drug treatment can not be avoided, but, usually, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive treatment, advising to apply folk remedies. But you should know that the treatment of osteoarthritis, including medicine, non-conventional, based on a healthy lifestyle and nutrition of all this, are added to traditional recipes.

- The birch leaves, nettle leaves and inflorescence of calendula is taken in equal shares. Finally need to get two tablespoons. Put the resulting soil of the collection in a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave overnight. Since the next day morning, take a half cup of broth of four to five times per day. The rate of receipt of the order of two to three months.
- Egg mortar is prepared from egg yolk, which is mixed with turpentine and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:1:1. The liquid should be well mixed and grate it to the affected joint all night. After which you need to wear all a wool scarf. It is recommended to perform the rubbing for 1 month to 2-3 times per week.
- Celery. 1-2 teaspoons of celery juice to drink up to 3 times per day. You can use a decoction. Boil 1 tablespoon of fresh root in 2 cups of boiling water and let stand, covered, 4 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons up to 4 times per day 30 minutes before meals.
- You will need a piece of wool fabric, without synthetic additives and a head of cabbage. To start, you need to grind the head, after which well grind with the help of a mortar or even the hands, it is desirable not to use oxidizable dishes. After that, you can overcome the juice to the centrifuge. Now, take prepared fabric and wet in the cabbage juice, this compresses placed on the diseased joint. I would like to underline that squeezed the juice, you can store more than three days after the spin cycle.
- The application of the boiled oatmeal also gives good results. Take three to four tablespoons of oatmeal, pour the boiling water and cook over low heat five to seven minutes. The amount of water used must provide to obtain a thick slurry, it should be cool and use in a compress on the night. Only use recently boiled grain. Porridge to compress is not suitable.
- The pharmacy is purchased as a root of elecampane. As a general rule, it is packaged in packets of 50 gr. To prepare the dye required for half of the packages from the roots of the plant, and 150 ml of the quality of the vodka. The ingredients are blended, are placed in a dark bottle and infused for 12 days. The trituration is carried out before bedtime, and in the morning.
In general, the treatment of osteoarthritis of the means of the population is not able to fully replace the types of drug therapy, physio, massage, PHYSIOTHERAPY), but may greatly relieve the symptoms of the disease, to reinforce the action of other methods of therapy and accelerate the recovery.